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timeDesk | Keyboard Coplanar System

Keyboard Coplanar System
Not only appearance, but also functionality. We have taken literally this statement and we’ve made it possible. Several studies have shown that to facilitate user ergonomics, the keyboard must have the minimum inclination possible. So the wrist is not stressed and the occurrence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is significantly reduced.

It’s compatible with everything, or nearly.
TimeDesk’s slots are compatible with the old and new Apple keyboards and trackpad versions. This is possible thanks to the special profile of a new material which doesn’t interfere with the accessories’ bluethooth.
Moreover it has been created a technical space inside of the slots, to use as allocation to put different accessories.
TimeDesk is available with only slot keyboard or with slot keyboard/trackpad.
So, at any time you can change the keyboard and/or trackpad with a different version, keeping the same slot.
The magnetic cover to close the slots are included.

Ergonomic at the right point, yours.
TimeDesk is available with three different distances of the keyboard and trackpad. We studied various measures according to the average height of the person, in order to simplify the user’s choice and facilitate ergonomics:

Closing cover
You can close the keyboard slot / trackpad at any time due to the magnetic cover.
The surface of timeDesk will become completely smooth without any interruption.